The modern rebirth of an 1897 building
One-of-a-Kind Passive House in Kane, PA
Built over a century ago, this building was reborn as the first Passive House EnerPHit Plus office building in North America.
It started off as an idea in a strategic plan. An opportunity presented itself in 2019. Imagine a building that uses a fraction of energy when compared to others. A building that produces on-site electricity. Built with high-performance building materials, built using a better construction process, built to have abundant fresh air and daylight, and built to have a positive economic, environmental, and educational impact. Now imagine that building located at the gateway of the Allegheny National Forest in northern Pennsylvania. A beautiful high-performance building nestled within the PA Wilds landscape. No imagination required — welcome to Six&Kane.



"We may shape our buildings; but thereafter, our buildings shape us."
Winston Churchhill
See Building History